Monday, December 8, 2008

One more night

We leave tomorrow night and nobody can sleep.  I just spent two hours downloading a ton of Dengue Fever and every podcast that comes up on search term 'Cambodia' in iTunes.  Okay, not every single one, but there are some groovy sounding ideas, like interviews with underground artists in Phnom Penh - this is giving me ideas beyond the "Devil's Handbook" (Lonely Planet Cambodia).    Spent the rest of today at Long's Drug buying alcohol based hand sanitizer, batteries and malaria medicine ($6/per pill for a total of 80 pills for the three of us).   I either gotta get into the battery business or pharmaceuticals, kid rock just doesn't pay those kind of bucks.  

The wistful thoughts of doing this right have been eclipsed by the freakout of just getting out of the house and onto the flight.  More soon. 


Unknown said...

How about selling pharmaceuticals to kid rockers?!

We love you guys, will be reading about your adventures and wish you a magnificent journey!

Diana Purucker said...

Are your feet on tera firma yet?
We miss Bodhi already.
Have a great trip; be safe!

Paul Godwin said...

thanks, we miss you too, glad you came on board!